Waiting For A Train

We are in Leeds tonight to see Iron Maiden in concert. Rather than drive for two hours each way, and have to try and negotiate the various one way systems to find somewhere to park, we thought we’d let the train take the strain and make a night away of it.
There is a Northern service that runs from Morecambe to Leeds. It takes a good couple of hours and stops just about everywhere, but that’s probably the same as it would be in the car and without any navigational stress. It’s also only £30 return for both of us, which is probably what it would cost in the car anyway.
I have used this service before when I’ve been working in Leeds, picking up the train at Carnforth. Today, we went from Lancaster as it was easier and cheaper to leave the car there overnight. Back in the day, the train used to be one of those awful ones that were basically a single decker bus on a set of train wheels - uncomfortable, noisy and crowded. It would seem Northern have invested in rolling stock since then, as we were in a “proper” train today, with tables and a toilet!
The train left on time, arrived on time and we got to our hotel literally 30 seconds before it started raining. The travel gods were definitely smiling on us! It’s still raining now, and we’re about a twenty minute walk from the Arena, so I’m hoping it will clear up soon so we can set off in time to grab a bite to eat before the concert.
The guy in the picture was wearing Iron Maiden branded t-shirt, hoody, shorts, socks and boots and was carrying an Iron Maiden rucksack. I’m going to hazard a wild guess that he’ll be at the concert tonight as well…

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