The Flash

Jared Moreno Luna & ORCH - The Flash

Had a synchronous day today, meaning that all my plans fell into place at the perfect time without conflict or difficulty. I love those.

I made time for chores, study, exercise, DJing and seeing the Flash. Despite the film not being as successful as it could, I enjoyed it. It was smooth, exciting and fun. Nothing more than that. It’s a shame that it was similar to Spiderman: No Way Home which I also loved and was late past the starting line for whatever delays it went through. Although multiverse ideas were introduced in the D.C. comic universe before Marvel (I think), it just took longer to get there at the cinemas.

I’m a fan of the better superhero films but I’m more into comics. That’s probably why I still go and see these movies. It’s no surprise that the genre is declining in popularity and reached a plateau in “originality”. I missed Guardians 3, Shazam 2 and Antman 3 at the cinemas but having seen antman 3 on Disney Plus, I made the right choice (the film was fine, just not worth seeing at the theatres).

What will the next craze be?

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