
I have been absent from Blip for a couple of days because I ill advisedly clicked on a link in an email that turned out to be a scam. :-((.  I got out of it pretty quickly but then did a bit of internet banking and paid for something with my credit card and then decided that maybe I better tell my bank what had happened.  They immediately canceled my Credit Card and shut down my Internet banking just in case some malware/virus had been downloaded when I clicked on the link and my mouse and keyboard actions were being followed. 
I have now had my computer cleaned - they didn't find anything dodgy..  Before I could get my new log in I had to show the bank that my computer has been cleaned by a professional computer company. Fortunately I didn't lose any money. Its all been just a huge inconvenience especially as we don't have  a bank in town so I have had to travel - first to Matamata yesterday (the bank was closed. Only open Monday, Wednesday and Friday) then to Tokoroa (I didn't have proof the computer has been cleaned) and tomorrow to Cambridge because they are open 5 days a week and fingers crossed I have everything the bank needs to issue me with another log in.. 

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