This Photograph Is Proof.

By romanceisdead

Mr Pup Is Losing His Fluff

One week till our first show with a audience.
People are stressed
The critisim is harsh
Reasons are not allowed to be heard
People need to realise that there is a WHOLE show to choreograph.
And not everything can be done exactly when the cast want it done.


Stressed. Sick of people not pulling their weight. In debt. Skinned knees and purple bruises. Haven't slept for more than 3 hours for the last few nights. Eating is the last if my worries at the moment. So much to do. It won't do it's self and people arn't going to do it for me so i'll do it myslef. In the mean time, you will have to put up with me being frustrated, grumpy and tired.

Hopefully get Design marks back tomorrow.

And sort out production shit.

Assessments x3 due. Assessments x0 finished.

Oh You're Making Me Live, You You're My Best Friend.

Two months since my aunt died. I Love You. I haven't really cried since, but this is it. <3

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