Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A bouquet of discounted flowers from the Co op.

The Feast Day of St. Cyril of Alexandria.
The tone of the weather was suddenly transformed from humid and very sunny, to drizzly, overcast and much worse visibility. 14c in the morning. It took some getting used to. I have no particular attachment to one kind of weather, but any temperature above 21c and it is a step in the direction I am not really comfortable working in. I guess that is far too cold for most people. I enjoy a certain level of sunshine. In the Winter I love the beauty of snow. I am not overjoyed with thunder and lightning nor any extreme weathers than cause damage, death or fear. We all have likes and dislikes and that is good to acknowledge.
When I walked to our Co op yesterday it was to hope I would find some half price flowers to replace the dead peonies. I was pleased to find this selection of stocks and allium. There were red and yellow roses and multi coloured carnations and sunflowers. We are so blessed to have an excellent Co op.
I tackled clearing out my wardrobe today and now all the hanging clothes are out of the wardrobe and two shelves are cleared. Quite a lot remains but hopefully tomorrow some more can be taken to the charity shops.

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