I knew it was you...

By MrsHouston

You're not going to believe this...

Before dinner I was trying to get Zali up off the floor, finally grabbing her by her hands and pulling her up. She started crying and yelling and wouldn't stop. I had no idea what was wrong. After an hour or so she calmed down, and we realised she was holding her left arm funny, and she wasn't using the arm either. Eventually I went to bend it at the elbow and she screamed. Off to emergency she went. With Scott. I was way too upset..

So finally saw a doctor, and she had a 'pulled elbow', which is basically a dislocated elbow. The doctor clicked it back in, took all of 5 seconds.

Zali is now fine, like nothing ever happened. And it's 10.45pm and she's still awake and everything is back to normal. I'm drinking wine.

The photo is this morning...Zali watching the rain fall. Was a fairly miserable day here in Melbourne.

Take care everyone.

Ang x

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