Yard day Hard day

It's been such a busy day that I can't even comprehend. Luckily I had some pictures to remember most.

I spent over 8 hours on the yard. Sweating.

First I cut the bushes from the east side of the house. It's not good for the house to get plants right next to it. Pulled out the weeds too. It's very neat now. You can't see the row of yellow flowers next to it. 

Next picture is two woodpeckers who were making a loud noise over at the neighbor's. I think the other one was feeding the other. They were loud!

I got some new decoration for the patio. Made one and hung it. Rest will have to wait for tomorrow. The pink is the new one. Have 9 more.

Also dug up some big stones. I was quite proud I got the big one up too. All by myself. We have a hole for a berry bush waiting after that stone was up.  Will safe my husband's strength for sure. As you can see it was quite a lot bigger than the others I dug up. And those were heavy too!

My husband brought these pallet "necks" yesterday. So I cleared some "forest ground", placed them and filled the areas with soil and then dug up some wildflowers that I have around the yard, and planted them. Hoping they'll spread next summer nicely. I'll throw in some seeds too as soon as they develop. I hope they'll be lively next summer. 

And then we have Buddha who was walking around the jungle sections of the yard (i.e. my flower areas) and also enjoyed relaxing in these spots. He had a hard day following me around the yard. He did take some naps inside, but mostly he was watching over me. 

Next two days we have a thunder storm warning for the whole Finland. I hope we get some rain without any storm. Not looking forward to thunders.

I also weeded, watered, cut the grass and I assume other stuff happened too, but I can't remember anymore. I'm quite happily going to bed next.

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