
The weather turned a bit overnight and I was well and truly sandblasted on the early morning walk along the beach. I’m determined to keep wearing my shorts as I figure legs will dry quicker than trousers. If only I’d remembered to pack my waterproofs.

We took Phin for a rather damp walk to Larachmohr community woodland. It’s beautifully kept and there are plenty of paths for him to run around and burn off some energy. As we were pretty damp afterwards we took shelter in the Arisaig hotel and enjoyed a late lunch of the freshest fish and chips.

The weather cleared as we got back to the site so we were able to put the awning up to give us some outside space. After the tide went out again Phin and I enjoyed throwing and catching balls on the beach for ages before I started to feel a bit queasy and headachey. I ended up going to bed after some toast and had an early night.

Backblipped Tuesday for Sunday

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