
Breakfast on the deck in sunshine (although rather windier today!) then my regular couple of Teams meetings.
Chatted with A&N about where they’re going to plant their new plants and started to do some digging for their cucumber trench. Helped A clean up the fridge since the dough she made yesterday exploded out of its bowl, then chopped mushrooms and etc so we could start making the pizzas for lunch. N fired up the oven and then we enjoyed a sunny al fresco lunch of slice after slice of delicious pizzas. Chatted about holiday plans, N’s parents’ plans for house selling, ideas for birthday celebrations etc then I came home whilst they got on with the gardening.
Last night’s lack of sleep caught up with me and I ended up having a snooze in the late afternoon before getting ready to go to a reception and concert celebrating 50 years of St Mary’s music school. Fabulous Copland, Beethoven, Maxwell Davies and a world premiere of a new James MacMillan choral piece. Good to see MH again, and K from the SCO, and AF and interesting to have a guided tour of the Archers’ Hall where the reception was held (extra).

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