
By BowBelle

Gurdwara Sahib Sikh Temple, Leamington Spa

I promised ALBATEXT that I would try and get a picture of the Gurdwara next time I was in Leamington Spa and so here it is... well the onion domes of it at least! Plans for a large temple to service the 4,000 local Sikhs were made in the year 2000, and £1,000,000 was pledged by local residents towards the project. Further donations were made during the planning stages, bringing the eventual total to £11,000,000. The greater budget allowed plans to be expanded from a modest four-storey building into a 4,280 square metre structure. It really is huge - but the sad thing for me is that it is sited in the middle of an industrial area, nowhere near where the Sikh community lives. The sign at the temple has a quote which says 'Recognise the Human Race as One'... a good lesson for us all!

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