Mono Monday: Week 492 ...

... in the middle.

In other words ... ignore the rule of thirds! And that's not so easy for me to do as I'm a by the rules type of gal.

While out yesterday I was thinking ahead to today's Mono Monday theme of 'in the middle'.  I had a couple of ideas and then remembered this lone tree and thought it would make a nice 'in the middle' photo.  And I've been looking to photograph this tree for my Lone Tree Seasons collection.   This will wrap up all four seasons for this particular tree!

I ran out this morning between rain showers to get some pictures of the tree.  And thankfully it was still there!  You can see the skies were quite overcast at the time and it started raining as I returned home.

Speaking of rain ... it's been an interesting day weather wise.  Sun, rain, wind, more sun, more rain, etc.  During supper we had a huge storm roll through but thankfully the power has stayed on.  

Thanks to Carolina for hosting Mono Monday all this month.  I have no idea who hosting next month.  Maybe someone else does?

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