
As I parked my car at the leisure centre this morning, I noticed a row of beautiful lilies which somebody had planted by the wall; not in a garden, but for everyone to enjoy. And I did enjoy them :-)

I also enjoyed my Aquaerobics class, which  seemed friendlier than the Wednesday one (or maybe it was because lovely smiley Esraa was there). The instructor was good, although he kept going on about how we "ladies" should work hard to burn more calories and lose fat. I wanted to say "we are here to gain muscles, strength and fitness, not because we're worried about being fat"!

I definitely need more muscles, strength and fitness because, influenced by the young people who stayed here last week, I have challenged myself to a long walk in September. The training starts today! 

It was drumming tonight, too, so more exercise was had while we practised for playing at Annan Riding of the Marches on Saturday :-)

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