
Probably the most inappropriate and tasteless T shirt you could wear to a place of pilgrimage like this . The cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. It amused me though!
We are in Santiago de Compostela in NW Spain.This is the place thousands of pilgrims trek to to pay their respects to St James who allegedly is buried here.
We’ve been into the city, got lost,  found the Cathedral, had a beer and a plate of Padron peppers got lost again, found our way to the correct bus and found our way back to our campsite.
It’s a beautiful city with historic narrow streets , restaurants bars gift shops and pilgrims wandering around. We’ve been wondering how far they have come and where from and …… why really.
Fascinating place.
We’re done with cities now. Really can’t be doing with any more this holiday. 
Beaches mountains and rivers from now on.

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