
Monday but no BP.  I was awake early and in the garden by 8.00 weeding and sorting out dahlias.  OH fed MIL cat then helped stake dahlias.  Bitter sweet as dahlias were for re- arranged September wedding but likely to be rearranged again.  No.1 slept late and we did paperwork investigating the option of immunotherapy but we were both tearful at the situation.  We chatted and hugged and decided to put big girl pants on and continue with one foot in front of the other.  

OH was trimming hedge but we had a trip to Homebase mid afternoon to get paint (he is painting No,1’s front door this week).  We called into The Malta on the way home and enjoyed a glass of wine (thank you No.1) and watch the boats.  Home for easy dinner in the garden. 

Another day done. 

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