The Temple of the Winds

Well, that's what it says on the map, so after ticking off the highest point in West Sussex (trig in extra) we continued along Black Down (280m) to see what it was. There was no temple and it was not windy, but there was a much better view than we've had at the 3 trigs we have visited on our trip. Having logged the three hills on , I'm pleased to tell you that today's hill was a Marilyn, as was  Walbury Hill yesterday.  Walbury had an even worse view than Pilot Hill yesterday, who'd have guessed it was a Marilyn. Anyway, I've now done 28/174 of the English ones. 
This was after visiting 4 EV charger sites before we found one that was working.  Considering how many tourists visit Worthing, it was pretty poor show for electric vehicle owners. Good job we didn't have to be anywhere in a hurry.
The morning had been spent sorting mothers flat. Dismayed to find a large  shattered window pane,  most likely caused by the gardeners strimming the edges. 

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