Waiting for our tea

Having not gone anywhere this weekend and with the weather being much. more bearable, we decided to visit The Outwoods. Len took Basil on a walk down the hill to see the foxgloves. I ordered my latte and gf toast and jam.

It was pleasant sitting outside. Not too hot and sheltered from the breeze. I took photos of people sitting there too. (see extra) I loved the colours this lady was wearing and did sneak a sideways portrait shot but above all, I liked this reflection of her and her collie while her husband went inside to order.

Uploading the meter readings to Shell Energy, I was able to amend the Direct Debit. We shall be paying £100 less per month from July. Shell Energy has really been raking it in from us but we did discover that the smart meter IS accurately recording energy usage, despite what Shell Energy says, so we shan't be climbing up ladders to read meters anymore.

And when I got home this afternoon, the company from which I've bought my mobility scooter rang to say it would be delivered on Wednesday afternoon between 12 and 3. Good Oh!

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