Shadow Casting In the Vestry

There is only one window in our house that faces east and that is the one that illuminates the vestry. This is the name given to the space used as an office and as a place for changing into ceremonial vestments by the minister.

There are iron bars on the only sash and case window, presumably to provide security. There are also timber shutters inside. In many ways it is quite different from the construction of the church. I believe the vestry was built shortly after the church building was completed.

The first Minister to preach here was not the Minster serving when the church was completed. 

In this space we hang up laundry to finally air off on a clothes pulley. That is what is casting the shadow against the wall.

I am spending quite a bit of time working out the itinerary that we are planning to show The California Golden Girls some of Scotland.

Accommodations has been booked and various visitor attractions to be visited have been selected.

I have sat down with Apple Maps and the various stages all seems fairly straightforward.

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