Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie


It rained again this morning.. so I went to the Amedeo Lia Museum in La Spezia. Again lots and lots of religious paintings, which I'm not especially interested in, and only two or three rooms with painting that had country scenes, portraits and stuff (more my kind of thing). Also some sculptures, but not that interesting either. So I thought it was a bit of a let-down for paying 6,50 euros.

Btw I requested ADSL last Friday, or to be more correct; one of my Italian colleagues requested it all for me. It will take a couple of weeks though.. someone will come by on the 23rd to check my connection/activate it or something. But if it all gets fixed I'll have 20 MBit internet with VoIP phone and tv, so that's good :)

I also asked him if there is other bread in Italy than the dry, hard bread I've found so far or what else they eat as breakfast. He said they eat bread only as a side with lunch or diner (warm meals) and that in the mornings people eat cookies, cereal or pasta. Hm.. only option number two sounds ok to me. Anyway, he said you can get softer bread like what we eat in Holland and explained what it was called, so I went to a store and bought both kinds he had mentioned. This morning I tried them, one of them is factory-bread and can be kept for ages (unopened), not really fresh but it is soft, I reckon it's better for toast. The other is like 'roggebrood' in Holland, which I don't mind eating one slice of, but I don't want three or more of that (which is the amount of bread I normally eat in the mornings). So I think I might go and buy myself a bread machine..

So this is my kitchen. I love it.
The doors open to the balcony and it's really light. Also everything is very new. Theres a big in-build fridge just left of this pic and also a dishwasher (second door below from right). Only problem so far is that I do not understand how the oven works. With one knob I set it on a light bulb symbol (the other options look like grill), and with the other knob I turn open the gas and light it, but as soon as I release that knob (you need to press and turn it) it switches off again.. I'll see if I can find the manual somewhere online (it's not in the apartment).

levels to 0-1.2-225, curves, contrast +20

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