Just checking…..

In the past Maisie has spotted a water rat in this section of the river. She carefully checks the river bank most days.
A mostly cloudy low key day. It had its funny moments. I had an attack of AF ( Atrial Fibrillation) during the night. No drama, I’m medicated for it. But it put me out of routine. I’d recovered enough for my usual early walk. Half way to the river with Maisie I realized I’d forgotten to insert my top and only denture. Too late to go back for it, Anyway it was before dawn and quite dark. I thought “Sod it… I hope I don’t meet any friends I normally converse with.” Unluckily I met friend Nadine near the end of my walk. We walked a while together and I confessed about my missing teeth. She said she thought I was talking funny. Ha ha. Well I had to laugh.

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