Sue and Kathy

Sue’s youngest sister has been visiting, and the two of them have been at the coast. Today they came back to town, and I spent some time with them. I wanted to make a photograph of the two of them, but I didn’t want a posed photo, so I asked them to do something together that they enjoy. Sue had a couple of plants she wanted to add to her garden, so they got out their gloves and trowels and did some planting. I made a few photos, but I didn’t get what felt like The Image. Sue got the hose and began watering-in the new plants while Kathy cleaned their tools and boom! The Image. Kathy, the youngest of eight children, was born when Sue was 13 years old. Sue and her twin brother were the middle children. I see something of the birth-ordered relation between them in this photograph.

My conversation with Margie lit many of you up, and I am moved by all the comments. Several of you asked if my son Seth was at Glastonbury with Guns ’N Roses. Yes, he was. He sent me a phone photo taken from the stage (extra). I can’t even imagine being among so many people, although I do love making photographs of people. This poem says for me how I feel about photography. It’s people, for me.

Believe in seeds, earth, and the sea,
but people above all.
Love clouds, machines, and books,
but people above all.
for the withering branch, 
the dying star,
and the hurt animal,
but feel for people above all.
Rejoice in all the earth's blessings--
darkness and light, 
the four seasons,
but people above all.
--Nâzim Hikmet Ran, "Last Letter to My Son."

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