It's Motorhead Sunday but this offering is a bit unusual.

A friend shot this today at Road America between races (June Sprints weekend).  I'm standing next to a Jersey Barrier about 1 meter from the track surface watching the 13-lined Ground Squirrels (Ictidomys tridecimlineatus) a.k.a. Gophers, who like to live under the barriers.  They are constantly excavating dirt from the entrance holes and it's easily seen as a cloud of dust shoots out from under the 10 ton mass of concrete.  Then a little face appears in the hole and then quickly disappears back inside to continue his .....house keeping duties.
Most of the them are quite fearless little rodents but this young one was especially bold.  He kept getting closer and closer to me...checking me out. Then my friend made this image of him sniffing my shoe.  I'm sure he would have climbed onto it had I not moved as the next race was starting and I had to get to work.  
We like to throw them peanuts, cherries, carrots, apple slices, etc.  They are a constant source of amusement during lunch hour.  They will sit right on your foot and chew up a peanut and then demand another when it's gone.
They are also a good source of protein for the local Red-tailed Hawk population.....hawks gotta eat too!    Best in Large.

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