Another first.

Saw neighbour's daughter, with cricket bat,  heading off this morning so enquired where she was playing.  Instow, which is only 15 mins away!  As I was on Max duty today, I went and let him out, spent half an hour with him wandering around the garden ensuring his did the necessary and then headed off to the cricket club. It is in a beautiful place with a thatched club house looking over the estuary. Anyway, I spent a couple of hours there seeing if I could capture balls being hit/flying through the air/being caught or even stumps flying.  It was great fun and I'd go again but take a longer lens next time I think, and maybe a tripod as the wind was blowing quite stiffly off the water.
Back to Max for another couple of hours before I fed him and came away.  His 'parents' will be back by now.

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