Capital adventures

By marchmont

Illetas 2, dawn

Didn't sleep well. Too hot, bed really uncomfortable though got better when I finally worked out AC want plugged in.

Got up early and headed to the beach not to swim, but to see if I could find the sunglasses case. And I did. Result! Wish I'd taken the camera. The light was amazing. Tomorrow. 

After l some leisurely time I was at the pool by 9.30. Tried to read my book but my eyes kept streaming. It was another hot, cloudless day. 

Lunch and some sewing then I went to the beach. It was hooching. Stayed till 6. I had planned to go out for dinner but after a double choc magnum and some shopping decided to stay in, more tuna salad but that's ok.

I've finished the Sensation Faulks. Great book but not for my current mindset. Not was having to send #1 son emails so he can retrieve a former account. They all date from the difficult days and rereading them just kept that box open. 

Now on the balcony with rosé, sewing and Texas from Glasto. What's not to like?

And I forgot, this is my 5000 blip, but not continuous as I backblipped a few after I started blipping end Dec 2010. 12 and a half years. Who'd have thought? 

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