Graves and Crashed!

I've been away for 8 days and I know the graves have not been watered. I was expecting to see wilting, if not dead, flowers but they appear to have thrived. When I got back from strimming and watering Marlane told me there had been rain a couple of nights, that must have kept them going.
Yesterday was a busy day, apart from riding 257 miles, campsite to home, I did a few jobs, probably mentioned in yesterdays blip.
Today I carefully packed up my dried out tent and made a small Sunday dinner, just me, Marlane, Johanna and Betty.
While Marlane and Johanna were slaving away over a sewing machine and an over-locker, I sat down for a quiet rest. Next think I knew I was dead to the world!! Johanna took the sneaky (Extra) photo.
I was up early though, with F.M.i.L wandering the landing at 05:30. I didn't go back to sleep but it gave me the opportunity to get started.

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