Insect count!

The hottest day so far, 30 degrees! Blue sky all day.

Awake early as it was hot, breakfast on the patio, jobs done and phoned my friend, all by 10am!  K is marshalling at a long distance walk, sooner him than me.  Put a wash on of seat covers etc as I knew they would dry!  Had a coffee and phoned a friend.  Salad lunch followed by last of the strawberries and icecream, outside in the shade.  Then I went for a quick walk down the lane to take some photos.  At 2.30pm I drove to the friend I speak to everyday and took her to see another friend and collected her later. 
The blip was drooping in the heat and had so many insects on it!  I counted 12.  Liked the field bindweed but not sure of the insect on it and the other extra had an insect flying to it.  Not sure what the plants are as there are quite a few similar looking ones in my book!

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