Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I slept well last night in Eyemouth and headed off up the road quickly as the girls were coming to us around 10. 30. I had to pop into Morrisons to pick up the rolls I'd ordered for tomorrow's church bbq.
Ali phoned to say she and Josie were popping in too.
The girls had a hectic schedule with both having a party, one in the morning and one afternoon, ours was the responsibility of making sure the right child turned up at the right party at the right time with the right present and wearing suitable clothes. Isobel's party was aquadash and Eilidh's Laserquest so that did matter!
Both girls enjoyed having their cousin here to play with and we're delighted that she knew their names and could say them. She's become so much more of a person these days at 21 months. She was highly amused that Pickle, who she adores and who is 'her' cat was asleep in 'her' buggy!
today has gone well and the older two girls are asleep having had a WhatsApp call with mum at bedtime. It's so easy to forget that Isobel is only 6, she seems so grown up at times. The church BBQ tomorrow after the service, and the weather isn't great.

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