70%H20 - Blaydon Leisure and Primary Care Centre

Caught up with a few chores at home this morning then around 1.30pm I got the bus to Swalwell. I had an appointment at 3.30pm at Blaydon Primary Care Centre for some X Rays.  When I got off the bus I followed the same route I use to get to Neils house as the Centre is just round the corner from where he lives.  I did a bit of shopping in Lidl on the way.

I was still too early for my appointment when I came out of Lidl so I had a walk along the path by the River Derwent.  I went along a different path to the one I usually take.  Saw some people " messing about on the river " in brightly coloured canoes .... see Extra. I took some other shots and made a collage to add as an Extra.  I was pleased to see a Mammy swan with 4 youngsters.  The Daddy swan was quite a distance away doing a lot of preening.  He must have needed some " me time ".  I only had my phone with me so I couldn't zoom in to get a photo .

I carried on walking to the Primary Care Centre.  Seemed like I was the only patient.  The place was deserted apart from 2 receptionists and the radiographer. ( I did see a few people in the swimming pool and some others in the cafe next to it.)

So then I had my X Rays.  I was expecting to get them taken of my spine, hips and chest.  But the radiographer said the hips weren't on the form.... but the neck was.  Wonder if someone ticked the wrong box.  I do get neck pain so it was probably just as well I had the neck X rayed today.  The doctor should get the results in about a week and then he will contact me.

My main blip shot is a sculpture which stands in the corridor of the Centre. Its called 70%H20 and is a figure made from jesmonite with 'hollows' made of platinium leaf to represent bubbles.  When making the sculpture the artist Joseph Hilllier had thoughts of jumping into water, night swimming and the fact that our bodies are largely made up of water.  The building houses a Primary Care Health Centre as well as a swimming pool so the concept of the sculpture links these two aspects.

Next I got a bus to the Metrocentre.  I did intend just changing buses and coming straight home but I decided to go to Marks and Spencers to get some mackerel.  

Weather today has been lovely - really warm and sunny.  There is a weather warning for tomorrow - heavy rain and thunderstorms

Steps today - 10,439

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