Just when you think the kids are off your hands...

...another generation starts to appear! (And lovely it is too!)

This is a Fathers' Day card I received from Son#3 last weekend. He's clearly got this thing sussed - and he's not even the father of our first grandchild born to Son#1 in January!

I thought I'd blip it today and tag it for Silly Saturday. This gives me the chance to remind everyone that next Saturday is the first one of the month and therefore there'll be a Silly Saturday host to award Hearts and Honourable Mentions to their choices of Silly blips. It's all in memory, of course, of the lovely Admirer who started this fun challenge.

NB I don't yet have any volunteers to host Silly Saturday next weekend. (If you've volunteered and I've forgotten please forgive me and let me know!) If necessary I'll host it but if you'd like a go at hosting it (this time or another month) please let me know via a blip comment - it's great fun and certainly not a chore!

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