Kyröskoski waterfall

We did a car trip to Kyröskoski to see rapid show of the Kyröskoski waterfall - the wall was allowed to flow free for awhile today. There were couple of hundreds people to see it.

The famous waterfall of Kyröskoski used to be one of Finland's largest falls, it's drop height is 22 meters. In the year 1912, however, it was dammed for hydroelectric production, with a power output of 12 MW.The waterfall is allowed to flow free half an hour 4 times a year: on May Day, Midsummer‘s Day, as well on the second Sunday of July and August (14.00–14.30 o‘clock). 

Then we drove to Hämeenkyrö and had coffee in Frantsila herb farm. On the way home we stopped to see Yröjlä berry farm.

+18,4  °C, cloudy

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