Carpenter bee

We have a large wood pile here at the cottage which is made up mainly of pruned olive and almond logs. I was skulking around it hoping to be able to blip one of the gorgeous little moorish geckos as they scurry up the wall behind the logs from time to time. But they were keeping cool today and didn't appear. I will persevere another day!

I did, however, spot a carpenter bee darting about.  They are so distinctively jet black but have a gorgeous purple shimmer to their wings. It's not all in focus but enough to make an impression I think.

The figs are in the drier and there'll be about 4 kgs of them to pack away. I enjoyed making a batch of fig preserve too. The cottage has a delicious caramel smell - all that boiling sugar :-)

Hope you're staying cool and/or cosy this weekend wherever you may be.

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