The Long and Winding Road The Beatles

The road doesn't wind but it was a long drive today.  Late in the afternoon a camp site that the guide book said was there was not there or we missed the sign.  They aren't big on having signs on this stretch of highway.  It was a pretty drive towards Whitehorse passed mountains, lakes and have I mentioned the spruce trees.  Just by chance we stopped at a small museum not expecting much but it was a wee gem.  The young man at the desk was fun and the museum featured fabulous dioramas with the Canadian animals.  Local First Nations People had crafted traditional clothing, a little bit of mining history and an explanation of the land bridge and ice ages.  Just my thing.  They had bead earrings for sale so of course I have a pair of those now.  The forester bought a book about the building of the Alaska Highway which seems appropriate as we continue to wallow and shudder across it.  Later, much later we made it to Whitehorse and found an RV park  on the edge of town.
The blip is us and other vans parked beside a lake.  It was our lunch stop. 

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