
By Cailleach

The Stud....

I think I may be having a mid late life crisis....

On Thursday, I had my right ear pierced for a second time. (I had both lobes done when I was 16, and have been perfectly happy with them for the past 30 years, but for some reason, I had the notion to go into Jenners Edinburgh's best known department store yesterday, for a re-bore.)

The lady in the 'spa' (not a drop of water in sight!) was very sweet. She waved a bit of paper at me, and asked me to confirm that I was actually over 16. Seriously. Over 16.

Even at midnight, in a blackout, with a bag over my head, I couldn't pass for a teenager....but I appreciated the question.

Then she said, 'Now, we're not going to cry, are we?'

And I so wanted to reply, 'Well I'm not. I'm 48 for god's sake. But you're the one about to penetrate a total stranger's ear with a nail gun, so perhaps you'll have an attack of the weepies!'

Once it was over, I was given a lecture about aftercare. Apparently, you're not meant to get your piercing wet for the first few days.

'You may find it beneficial', said the beautician helpfully, 'to cover your ear with a plastic sandwich bag when you're washing your hair.'

I live in a posh part of Edinburgh - I don't have any sandwich bags.

You should have seen me in the shower this morning, with a Tupperware box sellotaped to the side of my head.....

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