Looking down the Kentmere Valley ...

... from Harter Fell, with Yoke, Ill Bell and Frostwick in the background.

Looks nothing unless viewed LARGE (It's a stitched pano of 6 photos)

A massive (14 miles, over 3,200 feet of climbing) walk over High Street, Mardale Ill Bell, Harter Fell, Branstree and Selside Pike. Really hard going. Forecast was for cooler conditions and light showers, we had 28 deg+ and humidity! So hard going up the Straights of Riggendale, not just the heat, but the Horse Flies / Cleggs, that were in the hundreds all the way round the walk.
Even on the way home an accident on the A66 necessitated an hour-long detour - no walks for a few days.
Still - that's another 4 done (High Street done a few weeks back), taking the total to 71 - 33% completed, 32% of the target funds reached.

The extra gives you some idea of the length of the walk.


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