In my sister's garden

I walked over to my sister's to feed the cats this morning - a very uphill walk, but good practice for when I get back to Ilfracombe.  One of her cats was very reluctant to come in with me there again, so I took her bowl of tuna out into the garden for her - and enjoyed taking a few photos of the flowers while I was out there.

Got back to Mum's and there was no sign of the carer yet (and Mum had fallen back asleep).  I was just about to phone the agency to make sure they hadn't forgotten her, and Lorraine turned up at the door.  It took a lot to wake Mum up - she had fallen back into a really deep sleep. 

I worked from Mum's house again today, and got quite a bit done.  Mum's cleaner (who used to be her carer), Naomi, came this afternoon - it was lovely to see her again.

We had a nice easy dinner of quiche and salad again, which we ate out in the garden.  Afterwards I did some dead-heading of Mum's roses, and watered some of her plants.

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