Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


I was drafted in to help sort cattle that the ranch is buying. We were forewarned that the cattle handling area was pretty rough and ready. It actually reminded me of some of the crofters and farmers we used to contract for. Rubbish and equipment everywhere no organisation. Plus rediculous set up for handling cattle. But we had plenty of folk so husband and I set to in a big pen drawing off pairs (mother cow with her calf) and bringing them up 2 by 2 for the manager of our ranch to decide whether they were for us or not. There were enough folk that once we got them passed a gate the rest dealt with them and we would nip back and bring up more pairs. Working individually but together the subtle dance of intention and focus as you move through all the cattle keeping your pair together letting anything else peel off and pass you by. Lots of concentration but it didn't take too long to get the 100 pairs sorted. Then we had to load our cattle in 2 trucks and headed back to the ranch. Unfortunately this was the only picture I took all day!!

"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come." ~Dwayne Johnson

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