Camping in a Field of Wildflowers
This is our last day to hang around the campground. We had a break in the rain earlier this morning so I took a walk through the fields. The purple clover clusters are really lovely. There was one lone chicory bloom near our camper and several patches of these dainty yellow flowers that Seek says are Autumn Hawkbit. I even found some Carolina horse nettle among the rocks that would have worked. But this bug that Seek identified as a Polymerus basalis won out. It looks best enlarged. I’m convinced if you just look close enough, there are always some interesting specimens from God’s wondrous creations to blip. Hubby cooked lunch on the outdoor gas stove while it was momentarily dry and even heated the ham for tonight’s meal and tomorrow’s sandwiches. I made slaw to go with the BBQ beef and sautéed potatoes with onions. Thank goodness, he got everything cleaned and put away before the thunderstorm arrived with torrential rain. Jamie, Renee and Parker got to Newark a bit ago and only have drizzle at the moment. Sure hope the storms move out before the games start tomorrow. We won’t have much to put away before we leave Sunday since we only unpacked the bare minimum camping items. We did not get as much exercise hiking as our usual camping adventures but it was a relaxing week. We surely needed the rain. Have a wonderful weekend folks. Thanks for spending part of your days at my journal pages. Stay safe. "Man has created some lovely dwellings, some soul-stirring literature. He has done much to alleviate physical pain. But he has not… created a substitute for a sunset, a grove of pines, the music of the winds, the dank smell of the deep forest, or the shy beauty of a wildflower." - Harvey Broome
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