
A busy morning trying to catch up with 7 weeks worth of “homework” for an artist development course I have been on. The final session (which is in person rather than online) is on Monday so there’s not much space for further procrastination! The tutor has said that it’s ok for some of it to be still in your head rather than down on paper, and I have been mulling over most of it as we’ve gone along.

Then a counselling session, which included reflecting on a discussion with one of my colleagues about whether I was missing J while he is in hospital. I miss 2015, 2016 even 2019, 2020, 2021J - but the not the challenge of caring for 2023 J.

Then a difficult visit as J was adamant that he was coming home with me. The nurses carefully explained that wasn’t possible. It then needed an additional member of staff to let me out of the locked ward while the nurse distracted J (I don’t think he quite needed restraining - but I didn’t look back)

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