The Sensory Garden

Today was the opening of the sensory garden at Bridekirk  Dovenby Primary School near Cockermouth.  The garden started with an idea by the headmistress  to convert some overgrown wasteland in the school grounds into space that  the children could use and its been quite a few years in the making with Covid in the way. Here we have Mr P and his cousin Janice - you can see the family likeness. They supported the project because their parents came here in the 1920s, and their donation must have been very generous because they are the only family to have a plaque in the garden. The extra is a collage of the garden and the plaque. Janice has given the school photos and letters from the 1920s from her father's papers. The school were delighted, they had no records that old . Of course in those days the children stayed at this school until they were 14 or 15 when they left and went out to work . We enjoyed exploring the garden and eating cake. 

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