The Annual Rose –

It just keeps coming back!
Many years ago I tried to get rid of this rose as it was in the way and underneath the tree that grew (over-grew) in this corner of the back lawn.
At the end of last year it had got very straggly so I cut it back to the ground with the knowledge that it would recover.  Well it’s straggly already!  This is the first flower to open.
Yesterday I gave some misleading clues to what the blip object was.  Madwill pointed me into the correct direction, but in checking again on the web I finally found that different websites have different ideas as to all of the versions, making it up as they go along . . .
It is of course a Doctor Who sonic screwdriver.  I thought it was the ‘War Doctor’ version with a bit missing of it’s bottom, but it fits the 4th Doctor seemingly spot on.  Thanks Martin.
Today was the visit to the funeral director.  We need a second mortgage.  I got to say “goodbye” to Mark.  Pam and family are going Monday afternoon.   We have decided on a Webcast and ‘Visual Tribute’ (slide show) so we are digging through our archives to put something together.
Thanks as ever to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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