The edge of Summer

Seems like an appropriate day to blip Amy Lowell's famous poem ...

... photo is the [currently, very wet! ] view from our Shandon back-door; quite a contrast to the weather yesterday:

Summer Rain

All night our room was outer-walled with rain.
Drops fell and flattened on the tin roof,
And rang like little disks of metal.
Ping!—Ping!—and there was not a pin-point of silence between them.
The rain rattled and clashed,
And the slats of the shutters danced and glittered.
But to me the darkness was red-gold and crocus-coloured
With your brightness,
And the words you whispered to me
Sprang up and flamed—orange torches against the rain.
Torches against the wall of cool, silver rain!


Amy Lowell (1874 - 1952)


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