More soggy doggies ..( backblip)
Po and Big Si were away for the night so yesterday I took Bertie with Sadie & Winnie and they had a swim in the river . As you can imagine my car had quite the smell of wet dog on the return journey !!!
I’ve got a bit of a rant building , last night I went out with some old friends ( not ancient in the age sense ) and obviously all my friends know I don’t drink alcohol because I don’t like it , what it is for me though is the reaction from strangers or even bar staff … WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE ? it’s a sad sad world when the reactions to me NOT drinking are almost akin to me severing their first borns head off . It’s not once or twice this strange behaviour, it’s ALL THE BLOODY TIME. I could go on and on but I’m actually boring myself . Look if you like alcohol that’s splendid , if you need alcohol to have a good time though that’s weird for me to understand . I can assure you that I need no artificial enhancement to make a dick of myself or to have the best time ever . In fact people often think I’ve been drinking since 7am . Seriously though when you do meet people who say they don’t drink you could try and resist the urge to be shocked or go on about it it’s not a big deal and it’s more about you than me ( this is a general you not aimed at my blip group friends)
Phew . I woke up cross but I feel a bit better now …
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