BIPP Awards

I really cannot remember what I did in the morning ... possibly working on my presentation ... 
Coaching call at 1:30 pm and cleaners came as well.
I had to leave the house at 5 pm to get to ShieldRoad where I was picked up by Neil McKellar another BIPP photographer.

We had fun talk on the way and were bitching about a bit but in a fun and humorous way.

We were there in time and my Neil was there too as he worked in Livingston today.

A few more people I know were there, including Guy Hinks and Jon my former tutor.

The awards part was quick and I did not get anything first time since years.

But Neil was successful and won also the Photographer of the year award. He was shocked and I was super pleased for him!

I met Jon outside while having a vape break and we had a great chat.

I mentioned my disappointment that I did not get anything and he looked at me and said - but you are busy, you have a business, you are actually successful ... 
A lot of the winners are just taking pictures for fun ... and for competitions ....
And that is so true!
We had a good chat and he asked me if I wanted to give a talk at the college in the later summer - and HELL YES - I would love to do that!

So I felt quite flattered and happy about that.
I would love to speak to the students and give them an idea of the real life photographer world.

We had food, more chats, I had 2 glasses of wine then we drove home.

Blipping the view at Shield Road station.

Always wanted to visit this shop. Now I know where it is.

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