
The one advantage of being woken every day by the early sunrise is that the light in the garden first thing is really beautiful. The Lily is the only one that has survived in the garden and stands alone.

The following is a summary of three hours worth of phone calls backwards and forwards between CQ and the surgery, just another tale of woes so feel free to ignore. 

At lunchtime I phoned CQ to see how Dad had got on at his scan for a suspected DVT. I was told he hadn’t gone, transport had cancelled at the last min, not giving CQ any chance to find alternative transport. But why didn’t they call me? Then spoke to dad’s GP to see whether I should take him to A&E or whether it could wait until the rearranged appointment on Saturday morning. Saturday morning was fine as he’d been prescribed clot busting drugs, as a precaution, on Monday by a GP who visited Dad. Turns out CQ hadn’t given the meds as a second GP had said not to give them! Today’s GP then contacted the first GP who said as the scan has been delayed he must have the meds straight away. What would’ve happened if I hadn’t checked he was being given the right meds? Sigh...

Anyhow all is now sorted, touch wood. I will bring Dad home tomorrow and take him to the appointment on Saturday. Mowed all the lawns on a sunny afternoon of 24 degrees. Oh, and having got the lawn mower out of the garage, a mouse crawled out of the mower and ran away!

Thank you very much for your kind stars and hearts for yesterday’s solstice orchid.

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