Summer Solstice roses

There were the usual Summer Solstice celebrations at Stonehenge today but I only saw this on the TV.  I didn't even get a shot of Epping Forest on our school run today, so instead I have a shot of another of our roses looking rather lovely in the afternoon sunlight.
In other news: the news is full of 2 things.  Firstly the missing Titanic submersible, a story which frankly seems most likely to end in tragedy, and secondly the nticipated Bank of England interest rise.  Why anyone believed that the interest rates would remain at rock bottom I don't know, but there again Mr MC and I had a mortgage in the 1980s when our interest rate rose to over 17% and we feared that no sooner were we in our new house than we'd be out of it!  Fortunately we survived and stayed for 17 years.

This year it falls on Wednesday, June 21 at precisely 3.57pm in the UK. The UK will enjoy 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight. The sun will rise at 4.43am and set at 9.22pm in London. The solstice officially marks the beginning of the astronomical summer, which ends when the autumn equinox falls on September 23.

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