With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Ben bemused

He came back from his school trip of three days rather confused. Apparently the first day went well, then some kind of emotional ripple, or maybe I should say tsunami, swept over his class. Details are unclear but it involved X who was 'going out' with Y, but then W and Z 'split up' and M was upset because Q was friends with X and she wouldn't talk to W because, blah, blah, blah... and everyone ended up crying all night, then M had a panic attack and so more of them started crying (apart from Ben) and then they all came home on the bus and loads of them threw up (apart from Ben). Memorable trip then Ben. He is starting to laugh about it now and I think realise that it's really rather good that he is not 'going out' with anybody and should feel rather glad about it. THEY ARE 11 YEARS OLD!

Meanwhile, we have mostly been thinking about noodles, which is much, much safer.

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