
We arrived (as did our luggage) at around 10.30pm last night….with all the delays it seemed a miracle that we were only 30 minutes late over the whole day.  The nice surprise was that Lexi was there too to collect us, she was very excited.
Today she had a “family reasons” absent day from school…we’ve done various things, the blip is her showing the card she has made for her teacher who is leaving tomorrow.  Some lovely words inside and decorated with appropriate stickers.  Her teacher and family are taking time out to tour Australia, seems a lovely idea.
All is well at home, Smooch has taken to Carolyn (house sitter) well which makes me happy.  

Slept badly last night, exhausted and over tired.  I’m thinking a better night will be in store tonight.  And somehow I’ve sprained my ankle too *sigh*.

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