argento concentrico

STRAVA Day 747- Walk Distance Challenge stats


T is half-day today and he is currently working in building his ant colony with Gramps in our backyard. 

*The other day, my Uncle Pop (tall guy/father in this family)  brought Trevor (his daughter Dang's doe) to join OliviaTheBunny . 

*Olivia is T's fourth rabbit (after ______, Oreo and Oscar). We thought for months that Olivia is also a doe but apparently he's a buck and thus T said that we should maybe rename Olivia as Orlando (another name was dropped but can't mention the real suggestion here). 

Town fiesta festivities started today (cadet parade and competition). Tomorrow, even if T doesn't have classes, he has expressed his wish to support his first cousins ( Khayrr Andrei and Khaleel Andrew) who will be part of the civic parade as representatives of Central school's drum and lyre group. 

Have a good one!

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