
By Paladian


Oh, I am so desperate at the moment.  Dreadful weather, not a hope of going outside, and devoid of inspiration.  

So - I've decided to learn Italian.  The Rower and I are still in the midst of our love affair with all things Venetian - and living the dream vicariously through YorkshireBred's blips of Venice.

I have a smattering of both German and French, neither of which are any help at all with Italian - not so far any way.

Still they do say that learning a new language staves off the dreaded softening of the brain, and I am very impressed with the structure of Babbel's teaching technique.

I doubt very much that I'll be able to converse with confidence any time soon - but at least I can say Ciao and buongiorno.  Don't laugh - it's a start.

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