Little Miss Sulky

after the visit to the vet....

She hasn't put any weight on but hasn't lost any.  Got to try and get her to eat little and often...

Temperature taken and thorough check up..  She was very good with the vet prodding and poking her.

The vet decided do a blood test to see if she's got diabetes (you can see where they shaved her!), and has also done a urine test - I didn't realise they can do that without waiting for the cat to wee.  Results will be in on Friday or middle of next week as she doesn't work Mondays...

She's had a painkilling injection to hopefully boost her up and I've got some gabepentin as to hopefully encourage her eating.

My poor puss.

This afternoon though, she's been lying in her usual place - see yesterday's extra..  Everytime I went outside with the camera though, she kept moving!

In other news, the clemetis I thought was dead earlier in the year is brim full of buds, and they are beginning to open out :)

I've decided not to start my art course until the weekend as I'm really tired today - typically I put my summer duvet back on the bed last night as I was cold the night before,  and I was way too hot last night!!

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