Mixed evening's entertainment

Well, it's been a while. So this is what working looks like. Having complained suffieciently loudy and longly about having lost my translation contracts to AI, some of them have started returning. And so, for the past 5-6 weeks, I have been head down in the files, redoing the translations that AI had done ineptly for a client. How I laughed when they requested a reduced rate.

At the end of the day, I accompanied Ottawacker Jr. to his evening game against the Toronto FC (Ottawa) academy team. He had a blinder, playing as a winger in the first half and then in goal in the second. The second half was a bit of an onslaught, but he stopped everything they threw at him, often in quite breathtaking fashion. Well, almost everything. There was a bullet shot from the edge of the penalty area that left him rooted to the spot. It was the only goal of the game, too.

As I got him into the car for the schlep back to the city, I was expecting him to be bubbly and happy. He was practically carried off the pitch by his teammates. But instead, he burst into tears. After 5 minutes of consolation, he said he should have stopped the shot that went in and that it was all his fault his team lost. Honestly, my mouth was wide open as I listened. How do you deal with stuff like that? 

Anyway, consoling words were given and we drove back the long way, which meant we could stop for a flatbread pizza at Tim Horton's on the way back. He was back to bubbly by the time we were welcomed by Mrs Ottawacker at 9.20...

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